My love, my sweet, if I could give you only one piece of advice, it would be this:
You don’t have to live my chains.
You are not my past story.
You have a future story, a future self, that can live in freedom and peace.
You may have to travel some difficult roads to get there but that’s okay. You are a fierce female, my love.
You are delicate like a flower, but can rage like the ocean. You are a butterfly and lioness. You are the sunny sky and a storm. You are a sparkling treasure and the muddy ground.
And in your eyes, I see hope for the future.
You don’t have to live my addiction, my child. That need to escape all things, escape the world and hate the world. You don’t have to drown your beauty or cover up your fear.
You don’t have to run from love.
You don’t have to be defined by trauma, my love. Kept in darkness by secrets. You don’t have to be a victim no matter what happens. You are not what happens to you. You are not what happened to me.
You see, you are an over comer, a survivor, a lover and healer. You are a daughter of the King and a dreamer. You sing a song of peace and freedom and chains - what chains! - you move freely in the light, free to laugh and dance and sing and dream and be all of those things God has called you to be. All of those things you dream.
You are Resilient.
You don’t have to live my chains, my sweet one. The prison doors are wide open.
There is much work to be done, other prisoners waiting to be set free.
Many who need to hear your chain-free song.

Beginning in May, I will be offering a FREE virtual group on the Evidence-based practice called Seeking Safety. This will be for any womxn who is in recovery from addiction or other challenges or who is currently using drugs or alcohol who would like to explore tools to help address addiction and trauma or Post-traumatic stress disorder.
If you'd like more information or are interested, please send me an email today!
We all have a bright story. Let's discover it together!